(1)Indicate if taskbar must stay allways on foreground. No windows will can mask it.
(2)Indicate if taskbar must hide when it's not active.
(3)Indicate if taskbar must activate and go to foreground when mouse is at bottom of the screen.
(4)Activate or inactivate commodities menu.
(5)Indicate if no excluded commodities must appears prefs menu (on the left of the clock).
(6)Activate or inactivate Workstation menu.
(7)Indicate if icon files (.info) will include in files explorer.
(8)Refresh time of taskbar, clock, commodities,...
(9)Delay before open menus when mouse stop on an entry.
(10)Maximum width for taskbar buttons (in pixels).
(11)Multi rows taskbar manager.Set the maximum number of tasks per rows.
(12)Set the taskbar position : on top or bottom of the screen.
(13)Indicate if applications windows can be masked.
(14)Indicate if hiding and showing windows must appear with anim.
(15)Set the color of menu selection. Use the palette button.
(16)Indicate if taskbar must be inactivate. Workbench2000 will be used only like an applications launcher.
(17)Set the bakground color of Workbench2000 picture. Use the palette button
(A)Save the configuration
(B)About Workbench2000...
(C)MUI configuration for Workbench2000.
(D)Exit from prefs window.